Revamping Deed Delivery Driver & Receiver App
This case study highlights the redesign of the Deed Delivery app, focusing on enhancing the user interface (UI) and overall user experience (UX) for drivers and receivers. I identified key pain points and implemented design choices to streamline navigation, improve accessibility, and facilitate real-time communication, resulting in a more efficient and user-friendly app.
Deed Driver App
Issues immediately noticed:
Status card looks like a button, However it’s not clickable
Usage of color is too much and too distracting from the main content of each delivery card
Usage of colors in buttons “Optimize route & Begin route” is not used in a correct way
Text colors, font sizes, colors, everything seems out of balance, as if there is no clear hierarchy and guidance for th eye where to look then where to look.
Tab bar is not utilized, with the new requirements of things to add to this page, it’s almost impossible to produce a clean design that is not crowdy.
What was needed to be added along with fixing the previously mentioned issues
Car Model (Which car the driver is driving)
Different cards system: There are 3 types of deliveries: Pickup, Dropoff, Access point So a system to differentiate between these cards is needed.
A way to see open task that are not assigned to any other drivers, driver can assign any of these open tasks
A way to add shipments manually to the list
A way to search shipments (this is different from searching shipments in the list) it’s searching all the available shipments
Now, Let's see how I revamped the deed driver app
Open tasks & Shipment page
Search Shipments & Create Shipments
Route options & Change Car
Deed Receiver App
Issues immediately noticed:
Status card looks like a button, However it’s not clickable
Usage of color is too much and too distracting from the main elements
Some elements are not accessible
Now, Let's see how I revamped the deed receiver app
In conclusion, the recent UX/UI improvements to the Deed Driver app have significantly enhanced the user experience. The updated design now features a more intuitive interface and streamlined navigation, making it much easier for users to interact with the app. These changes not only simplify the overall user journey but also ensure that essential features are more accessible and functional. By addressing previous pain points. the app delivers a smoother, more efficient experience for drivers, setting the stage for future enhancements and greater user satisfaction.